A Toronto Psychologist Can Help

Dr. O’Connor, a Toronto psychologist, offers psychological assessments and testing services, including school neuropsychological assessments, to children, adolescents and young adults in Toronto and the surrounding area. In office assessments are also offered at her Barrie office to clients in Simcoe County and York Region. Her psychological assessments assess a range of psychological issues and concerns that present in children, adolescents and young adults. These include learning problems, academic issues and trauma related concerns, as well as  social, emotional and behavioral problems. Her services increase understanding of adolescent or child problems, or concerns in a young adult and lead to evidence based interventions to help promote positive outcomes in young people.

When you work with Dr. O’Connor you have access to the expertise and advice of an experienced professional. Dr. O'Connor has over 20 years of experience working with children, adolescents, young adults and their families, and the helping professionals who work with them.


Guiding Principles and Values

  • Early & Timely Intervention: Although symptoms of psychological concerns are often evident early on, other adolescent or child problems, such as traumatic and acquired brain injuries can surface later. Psychological concerns in children, adolescents or young adults, whether they surface early, or at a later stage, can benefit from timely intervention and support. The earlier we intervene when problems arise the greater the likelihood of preventing problems from escalating and becoming more difficult to reverse and/or deal with.

  • An Assessment Is Part of the Intervention: An assessment helps "get beneath the surface" to reveal what lies "at the root" of the psychological concerns that present in a young person. This includes the nature and extent of the problem, and what is contributing to and/or maintaining it. The assessment, whether it comprises a clinical consultation, psychological assessment or a school neuropsychological evaluation, leads to evidence based interventions to help you help the children, adolescents and young adults you care about and work with.

  • One Size Does Not Fit All: Each child or adolescent presents with problems that are unique to his or her particular circumstance. Multiple and interacting factors that differ in each child contribute to the concerns he or she exhibits. Understanding the problem, and its unique presentation in each young person, points to the kind of interventions that are most likely to be effective for that child. Interventions work best when they are tailored to the child's individual needs and circumstance.

Dr. O’Connor’s Approach

 Dr. O'Connor, a licensed psychologist, provides psychological assessments  and school neuropsycholoical assessments to increase understanding of the psychological problems that can present in a young person, and how to help. Through her work as a psychologist she helps parents and young people move beyond the problem and what’s wrong. She explores "what’s working” and the strengths and positives that are also frequently there. She encourages parents and helping professionals to harness the positives and “what works” and to use these to develop evidence based interventions to help address child and adolescent problems, or those that present in a young person.  

Dr. O'Connor encourages the enhancement of healthier coping strategies in young people and increased psychological well-being and competence. Her services help promote positive outcomes in the children, adolescents and young people you care about and work with.

How Can A Psychologist Help?

Dr. O'Connor, a Toronto psychologist, has extensive experience working with young people and their families. She has the expertise and training to help you, help the young people you care about and work with. Through her professional career as a licensed psychologist, she has worked with thousands of children, their families and the professionals who work with them. She offers evidence based interventions to help with the psychological concerns that present in a young person. Her services are tailored to the young person's individual needs and concerns.

In addition, through her training in school neuropsychology, Dr. O'Connor integrates an understanding of the neurobiological basis of the learning, emotional, social and behavior concerns that present in a young person.

Within this neurobiological context Dr. O'Connor also incorporates attachment and/or trauma concerns when these are at issue for a child or adolescent.

To learn more about Dr. O'Connor's Assessment Based Solutions  for children, adolescents and young adults, click here.

Contact Dr. O'Connor to learn more about her Psychological Assessments and Testing Services and how they can help.

Dr. O'Connor runs her practice, in Toronto (Yonge & St.Clair). She also offers Psychological Assessment and Testing Services at her office in Barrie to clients in the Simcoe County and York Region areas. She provides assessment and testing services through the Lingyu International Psychology Centre.

Dr. O'Connor is the author of I Can Be Me-A Helping Book for Children from Troubled Families. This book includes a special focus on children of addicted family members. It is currently being updated to reflect the recent literature on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).