"Understanding the Problem is the Key to Solving It."

Dr. O'Connor's psychological testing and assessment services, as well as the products, resources and articles she features on this website, increase understanding of the psychological concerns that can surface in young people, and how to help.

Jul 19, 2024

Alcohol and Family Problems


Are alcohol and family problems a concern for you. Assess how a child is doing when alcohol is a problem in the family.

Continue reading "Alcohol and Family Problems "

Jun 26, 2024

Alcoholism and Problem Drinking

Alcoholism and Problem Drinking in the family adversly affects children. Find help and support for the children.

Continue reading "Alcoholism and Problem Drinking "

Jun 07, 2024

Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

Learn more about traumatic brain injury in children and how to help.

Continue reading "Traumatic Brain Injury in Children"

May 23, 2024

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Children


Worried about a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion in a child, adolescent or young person? Dr. O'Connor, a Toronto psychologist, offers school neuropsychological evaluations and treatment options to help.

Continue reading "Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Children "

Jul 27, 2022

Child Attachment

Child Attachment

Worried about child attachment problems? Increase your understanding of child attachment problems, and how to help.

Continue reading "Child Attachment "

Jul 25, 2022

Separation Anxiety Disorder


Separation anxiety disorder contributes to significant problems in children. Learn more about separation anxiety disorder and how to help.

Continue reading "Separation Anxiety Disorder"

Mar 27, 2022

Gifted Child Behavior

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Does gifted child behavior differ from that of the non-gifted child? Find out more about gifted child behvior. Learn how to help when gifted child behavior is a problem.

Continue reading "Gifted Child Behavior"

Feb 28, 2022



Family problems like codependency, alcoholism and drug abuse effect children

Continue reading "CoDependency"

May 23, 2019

RSS Feed Change

My RSS feed will be changing to https://www.psychtestingsolutions.com/psychological-testing.xml on Wednesday 27 May. Please subscribe to the new feed.

Continue reading "RSS Feed Change"

Apr 14, 2015

Parenting Problems


What kind of parenting problems or concerns in a young person worry you? Dr. O'Connor, a Toronto psychologist, helps parents and professionals with psychological concerns in young people.

Continue reading "Parenting Problems"

Apr 12, 2015

Learning Problems Case Study

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Read our case study about child learning problems.

Continue reading "Learning Problems Case Study"

Apr 10, 2015

Enuresis in Children

 Enuresis in Children

Find help for encropresis or enuresis in children. Learn what it is and how to help.

Continue reading "Enuresis in Children"

Apr 10, 2015

Child Development Stage


Is it a child development stage or a serious child problem? Dr. O'Connor's free resources help you explore whether a child problem is a normal child development stage or a more serious concern.

Continue reading "Child Development Stage"

Apr 09, 2015

Toronto Behavioral Assessment

Behavioral Assessment

Dr. O'Connor, a Toronto psychologist, provides behavioral assessments to assess and help with a range of child behavioral problems.

Continue reading "Toronto Behavioral Assessment "

Aug 19, 2014

Divorced Parenting


Divorced parenting creates stress for you and your children. Dr. O’Connor helps you, help your children when divorce effects your family.

Continue reading "Divorced Parenting"

Aug 09, 2014

Child Low Self-Esteem


Child low self-esteem contributes to child problems, including learning and social problems, and behavioral and emotional concerns. Find out about low self-esteem in children and how to help.

Continue reading "Child Low Self-Esteem"

Aug 08, 2014

Toronto Learning Disability Assessment

Learning disability assessment

Dr. O'Connor, a Toronto Psychologist, provides learning disability assessments to children, adolescents and young adults. These assessments are necessary to determine whether a young person meets the criteria for a Specific Learning Disability.

Continue reading "Toronto Learning Disability Assessment"

Aug 06, 2014

Specific Learning Disability

A Specific Learning Disability

A specific learning disability interferes with the child's ability to learn, and achieve to his or her potential academically.

Continue reading "Specific Learning Disability"

Jul 14, 2014

A Child Anxiety Disorder

A Child Anxiety Disorder

What is a child anxiety disorder? What types of anxiety disorders exist and what kind of strategies can help the anxious child?

Continue reading "A Child Anxiety Disorder"

Jul 12, 2014

Children of Addicted Parents

I Can Be Me supports children from troubled families. It includes a special focus on children of addicted parents. It also supports children who are experiencing other adverse childhood experiences.

Continue reading "Children of Addicted Parents"

Jun 08, 2014

Child Problems


Worried about child problems? Use our checklist to help you assess how serious a child behavior problem might be.

Continue reading "Child Problems"

May 23, 2014

Aggressive Behavior in Young Children

Child Aggression

Worried about aggressive behavior in young children?

Continue reading "Aggressive Behavior in Young Children"

May 22, 2014

Child Anxiety

What is child anxiety? What are the signs and symptoms that might signal its presence? Who is most at risk of developing a child anxiety disorder. How an a child psychologist help?

Continue reading "Child Anxiety"

May 21, 2014

Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety disorders in children are more common in children whose parents suffer from an anxiety disorder. Assess how a child is doing when a parent suffers from an anxiety disorder.

Continue reading "Anxiety Disorders in Children"

Mar 11, 2014

Sibling Fighting


Sibling fighting creates stress for parents and children. How much is normal and how can you keep sibling rivalry under control? Find out more about sibling fighting and how to help.

Continue reading "Sibling Fighting"

Mar 10, 2014

Childhood Depression

Childhood Depression

Are you worried about Childhood Depression? Dr. O'Connor offers psychological assessments to help explore depressive symptoms in children, and how to address them.

Continue reading "Childhood Depression "

Mar 10, 2014

Child with Behavior Problems


Are you worried about a child with behavior problems? Dr. O'Connor's psychological services can help you. Learn more about the child problem that worries you and how to help.

Continue reading "Child with Behavior Problems"

Jan 05, 2014

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Is your child showing symptoms of an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? What are the symptoms of adhd and how can you help?

Continue reading "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder"