Promoting positive psychological outcomes in young people and their families.

Toronto Psychological Testing and Assessments

Dr. O'Connor, a Toronto psychologist, offers Psychological Testing and Assessments to children, adolescents and  young adults.

She provides services at her Toronto office, located at 2 St. Clair Avenue West (Yonge and St. Clair), and also to clients in the York and Simcoe regions at offices located in Barrie and Alliston. She takes referrals from educational personnel, physicians, pediatricians, personal injury and family lawyers, mental health professionals and organizations. 

Dr. O'Connor's Psychological Assessment and testing services lead to evidence based  interventions to help promote positive outcomes in the young people you care about and work with.


Psychological Testing and Assessment Services

Dr. O'Connor's Toronto psychological testing and assessment services explore social, emotional and behavioral concerns, trauma based issues and learning and academic problems. She offers gifted assessments, learning disability assessments, assessments to explore developmental delays and other concerns like autism, within the context of the assessments outlined below.   

School Neuropsychological Assessments

Dr. O'Connor provides in depth, comprehensive psychological assessments and testing services for children, adolescents and young adults. These include school neuropsychological assessments. The young people she works with require comprehensive psychological and/or school-neuropsychological assessments to get to the root of the psychological and learning issues that plague them. The full components of a psychoeducational assessment are included within the comprehensive psychological and/or school neuropsychological assessments she provides. These components occur at the beginning of the assessment, so if after completing this first stage of the assessment, Dr. O'Connor feels that a more in depth assessment is unnecessary, she does  not proceed with the more fulsome school neuropsychological evaluation. 

Dr. O'Connor integrates a school neuropsychological understanding into the psychological testing and assessment services she offers to young people, their families and the helping professionals who work with them. School neuropsychological assessments provide a more comprehensive, in depth assessment than the traditional psychoeducational assessment. This applies specifically to the underlying neuropsychological processing concerns that young people with learning and other psycholological problems often exhibit.  

To learn more about school neuropsychology, click here.

Toronto Psychological Assessments

Dr. O'Connor's psychological assessments increase understanding of the psychological concerns that present in young people and how to help. Get "beneath the surface" and learn more about what is contributing to and maintaining the psychological concerns in a young person that worry you. What are the young person's strengths and particular talents? What are his needs and what interventions are most likely to help?

Learn more about the challenges that a child, adolescent or young adult is showing and how to help.  Does she have a Learning Disability? Is she anxious  or feeling depressed and unsure of herself? Does she exhibit attention or behavior problems? Is she showing trauma symptoms, or symptoms of a brain injury?

How serious are these concerns? Do they require the support of a professional, and if so what kind of support would help? Find out how the young person is coping with specific challenges and stressors such as divorce or parental addiction? Is he feeling stressed? Does he lack self-esteem or confidence?

Learn more about Dr. O'Connor's psychological assessment and testing services. 

Trauma Assessments

Trauma Assessments explore  symptoms associated with traumatic stress disorder.

These symptoms may result from  a single acute trauma, like a motor vehicle accident, or more chronic, ongoing forms of trauma. Clinicians label this latter form of trauma "Complex Trauma." It refers to what the literature describes as" Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)."  Both types of trauma, either that which is associated with a single acute traumatic event, or the more chronic ongoing types of trauma, can result in symptoms associated with a traumatic stress disorder.

Learn more about Dr. O'Connor's psychological testing process, the measures and tests she uses and her psychological testing process.

Other Psychological Challenges

What about the other psychological challenges that plague young people and their families? Are you worried about a child whose parents are addicted to alcohol or other drugs? These children, like other children who experience ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) are at risk for developing a range of psychological  issues and concerns, including learning, social/emotional and behavioral concerns.  

These children may also benefit from psychological testing and assessment to explore the psychological concerns they exhibit and provide evidence based interventions to assist them. 

Dr. O'Connor's psychological assessments address ACEs and their affects on children and adolescents, and help determine how they are coping and where they may benefit from support.

Dr. O'Connor is the author of  "I Can Be Me-A Helping Book for Children from Troubled Families."

She has updated I Can Be Me to reflect the literature on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This book includes a special focus on children of addicted parents. It supports young people who are experiencing other adverse childhood experiences. There is an adult guide to assist therapists, parents and other adults in addressing this issue with children, and a children's work book.

I Can Be Me
  A Helping Book for Children From Troubled Families

with a special focus on children of addicted parents


Find out more about I CAN BE ME, and how to purchase this book.